Our Mission

Dynamic Therapeutic Massage is powered by Dynamic Training & Rehabilitation. Directors Adam J Bogar BHsc, RMT, SMT (cc), and Allison Raines RMT have created one of the leading Alternative Health Care Massage Therapy Clinics in Ontario! We strive to be the leader and helping our patients achieve their goals. Keep posted to our Massage Blog to learn more of the benefits and how this Health Care Treatment can benefit your life!

Dynamic Training & Rehabilitation - Burlington Clinic

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Runners- Take advantage of massage advantages

The Importance of Sports Massage to Runners

Recently I signed up for my first 5K race, sonI had running on the mind. I know for me personally, if I run regularily, after a week my lower legs especially become quite sore. They feel very sore to have massage but if i dont I start to develop tendonitis on the inside of my ankle. After a few short treatments of muscle stripping my lower leg, I can run longer with less pain.
What is Sports Massage?
Sports Massage is a special form of massage that is typically used before, during, and after athletic events.

The purpose of sports massage is to prepare the athlete for peak performance, to drain away fatigue, to relieve swelling, to reduce muscle tension, to promote flexibility and to prevent injuries.

The main difference between sports massage and other massage techniques is that it directly targets and reduces tension in muscles and joints that are affected by athletic use and injury.

 Why Sports Massage is Important To Runners
 Sports Massage is especially important for runners who run more than 35 miles a week. The more miles you run, the more strain your muscles are under and the more beneficial sports massage is. Incorporating sports massage into your training schedule will help you train optimally.

 Sports Massage is important to runners for many reasons:
Reduces muscle inflammation
  • Reduces muscle soreness
  • Sports massage helps reduce soreness by flushing out the lactic acid that is produced while running. Lactic acid can build up in muscles and cause soreness over time.
  • Reduces muscle tension
  • Promotes muscle flexibility
  • Sports massage promotes muscle flexibility by removing lactic acid.
  • Increases muscle recovery time
  • Removing lactic acid through massage increases recovery time.
  • Increases mental alertness and reduces muscle fatigue
  • Decreases your chance of developing a muscle injury

Massage immediately before and after an event will also help reduce the muscle spasms that occurs with vigorous exercise.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder (or GAD) is characterized by excessive, exaggerated anxiety and worry about everyday life events with no obvious reasons for worry. People with symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder tend to always expect disaster and can't stop worrying about health, money, family, work, or school. In people with GAD, the worry often is unrealistic or out of proportion for the situation. Daily life becomes a constant state of worry, fear, and dread. Eventually, the anxiety so dominates the person's thinking that it interferes with daily functioning, including work, school, social activities, and relationships.

The results of a systematic review of 22 articles examining the effect of massage on relaxation, comfort, and sleep. The most consistent effect of massage was reduction in anxiety. Eight of 10 original research studies reported that massage significantly decreased anxiety or perception of tension. Seven of 10 studies found that massage produced physiologic relaxation, as indicated by significant changes in the expected direction in one or more physiologic indicators. In the three studies in which the effect of massage on discomfort was investigated, it was found to be effective in reducing pain.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Facts about Back Pain

  • Back pain is one of humanity's most frequent complaints.
  • In the U.S., acute back pain is the fifth most common reason for physician visits
  • 85% of people can't remember the specific moment that they hurt their back.
  • Four days of bed rest is no better than two days or no rest at all
  • If you have experienced back pain in the past then you are more at risk to experience it agian
  • Massage therapy, especially from an experienced therapist, can provide short term relief. Acupressure or pressure point massage may be more beneficial than classic (Swedish) massage.
  • See a health care practictioner that you trust
  • Routine X-rays of the spine are unnessessary and usually of little value
  • About nine out of ten adults experience back pain at some point in their life, and five out of ten working adults have back pain every year.
  • The spine is a complex interconnecting network of nerves, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, and all are capable of producing pain
  • Approximately 98% of back pain patients are diagnosed with nonspecific acute back pain which has no serious underlying pathology.
  • Also, herniated disc is the most common neurologic impairment which is associated with this condition, from which 95% of disc herniations occur at the lowest two lumbar intervertebral level.
  • Most back pain syndromes are due to inflammation, especially in the acute phase, which typically lasts for two weeks to three months.
  • A few observational studies suggest that two conditions to which back pain is often attributed, lumbar disc herniation and degenerative disc disease may not be more prevalent among those in pain than among the general population
  • Bed rest is rarely recommended as it can exacerbate symptoms, and when necessary is usually limited to one or two days. Prolonged bed rest or inactivity is actually counterproductive, as the resulting stiffness leads to more pain.
  • One study found that exercise is also effective for chronic back pain, but not for acute pain.
  • Deep Moist Heat therapy is useful for back spasms or other conditions for short term effects
  • Depending on the particular cause of the condition, posture training courses and physical exercises might help with relieving the pain. These exercises can be given to you by your massage therapist.
What should I do when I’ve hurt my lower back?

The best position for relief when your back hurts is to lie on your back on the floor with pillows under your knees, with your hips and knees bent and your feet on a chair or just with your hips and knees bent. This takes the pressure and weight off your back. If you’re resting a hurt back, you may need a day or two of this sort of rest. Resting longer than this can cause your muscles to weaken, which can slow down your recovery. Even if it hurts, walk around for a few minutes every few hours.

Most people feel better whether they have actue or chronic back pain after they receive massage therapy. Depending on the type of problem the client has, different techniques are used to eliminate pain in different ways. Techniques such as pin-and-stretch to a muscle with an active trigger point are highly effective and have long lasting results.